by Susie Hosterman | Mar 9, 2017 | Artist, Guest Blogger, His Art is Heart, photography, Portrait photography, Uncategorized
Introducing a blog post by Sean Temple, for His Art is Heart! “How many times has someone told you to take a pill to fix something wrong with your body? It starts out small. We have experienced headaches requiring aspirin or ibuprofen to alleviate the pain. We... by Susie Hosterman | Feb 1, 2017 | Artist, Bio, Film, Sunday Session With Sooz
I admit it, I’m not great at breathing in life. And I bet, if you say you feel anxious, or suffer from an anxiety disorder, you probably have this problem too. I also bet that if you have a dysfunctional autonomic system, you suck at breathing too. And this... by Susie Hosterman | Jun 26, 2016 | Artist, My Art, nature, photography
I saw my past in another person today. At first I blamed them, judged them… but then I paused. I allowed myself to feel their struggle: unapologetically, unbiased. And in doing so, I saw myself in a new light. I realized I was not blaming them, judging them- I... by Susie Hosterman | Jan 31, 2016 | Artist, Bio, Motivation, Recent Developments
Every morning, my alarm goes off. Actually, every morning, my alarm goes off a few times: 5am, 6am, 7am. It gives me a choice, a decision to make right off the bat. Before my cognition has even received the memo that “Hey! You’re awake!” I am thrown into this...