Music and Songwriting

by Susie Hosterman


Sooz the Musical

From an early age, music has been the yin to my yang. Growing up in a home filled with melodies and harmonies, I didn’t truly discover my passion for songwriting until I graduated from college. This passion blossomed into numerous musical projects over the years, each one a timecapsule, capturing a chapter of my life. I’ve recorded the ups and downs in relationships– the wishes, the fears… with always the hope to understand my own inner processings. I admit, I’ve shied away from sharing these songs with the world until recently (because what would YOU think of me?!). So here it is. Here I am.

Welcome to my musical world.

Sooz's Music Videos

Susie & Sean Musical Creations

SoozZen - Low-fi beats and chill sounds for relaxation

Demos, Works-In-Progress, and Rough Cuts