by Susie Hosterman | Apr 21, 2017 | photography, Uncategorized
Make Fear your Friend by following these 4 crucial steps Get unstuck in life by turning that pesky Fear into a friend! You’re ready. You’ve sat down and attempted to discover where you want to go on your next journey, and even pin pointed the stops... by Susie Hosterman | Mar 18, 2017 | Motivation, My Art, photography, Portrait photography, Uncategorized
Ready… set… I get it. It can be hard to get moving. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, or perhaps it’s a project that as you mashing the pause button over and over. It may feel like every step you take is hit by 5 obstacles that either... by Susie Hosterman | Mar 9, 2017 | Artist, Guest Blogger, His Art is Heart, photography, Portrait photography, Uncategorized
Introducing a blog post by Sean Temple, for His Art is Heart! “How many times has someone told you to take a pill to fix something wrong with your body? It starts out small. We have experienced headaches requiring aspirin or ibuprofen to alleviate the pain. We... by Susie Hosterman | Dec 21, 2016 | appreciation, Artist, Bio, Motivation, My Art, photography, Recent Developments
Recently, I’ve gotten away from diving in and writing a blog post. I got sucked into my old habits of overthinking and analyzing my choice of words, so much so that my initial, beautiful message came across inauthentic– at least to me. I’m breaking down... by Susie Hosterman | Jun 26, 2016 | Artist, My Art, nature, photography
I saw my past in another person today. At first I blamed them, judged them… but then I paused. I allowed myself to feel their struggle: unapologetically, unbiased. And in doing so, I saw myself in a new light. I realized I was not blaming them, judging them- I...