by Susie Hosterman | Aug 12, 2016 | Artist, Film, Music, My Art, Recent Developments, Share Your Spark
So, I think I may be starting a band? Or… maybe I already have? I’ve started recording music and songs I write and calling myself A Serious Artist, to poke fun at the idea… However, I’m really liking the idea!! Last night a song came to me and... by Susie Hosterman | Jun 26, 2016 | Artist, My Art, nature, photography
I saw my past in another person today. At first I blamed them, judged them… but then I paused. I allowed myself to feel their struggle: unapologetically, unbiased. And in doing so, I saw myself in a new light. I realized I was not blaming them, judging them- I... by Susie Hosterman | Apr 9, 2016 | Artist, My Art, photography, street photography
So this one day I went out to my car near my apartment building and saw this. And so, upon seeing this, I captured this. So here’s this. If I were give this photo series a message, it would be “Don’t put your dreams on Ice.” or “CAPTURE... by Susie Hosterman | Apr 5, 2016 | Artist, Motivation, My Art, photography, Portrait photography, Uncategorized
I always think of that one scene in Garden State, where Natalie Portman’s character says: You know, back in High School I was a clown. I was in theatre, I was big (in spirit) and loud! I laughed, I danced, and I made weird noises… a lot like Natalie... by Susie Hosterman | Mar 29, 2016 | appreciation, Artist, Bio, Family, My Art, photography, Uncategorized
When I was 15, I snuck out of the house with my older sister one night to enjoy a full moon. I believe it was Summer, and I had never done that before. We were both good girls, obeyed our parents, didn’t do drugs, drink, and other shenangins. I didn’t even... by Susie Hosterman | Mar 24, 2016 | appreciation, Artist, Motivation, photography, Recent Developments, Uncategorized
I’m a Virgo. No, seriously I am. If you’re creepy, you may know my birthdate and try to correct me “Nah-uh Susie, you’re a Libra! ‘Says so in my Glamour/Marie Claire/Cosmo/Whatever I read!!” And then I would counter and tell you the...