Giggles for Gratitude- A Visualization Technique that Gets You Grounded
I have no clue how, when, or whereabouts this started. Actually, it's rude to begin a blog post with a lie. I'm pretty definitely, positively sure this started on my daily commute to a job I used to work... and HATED. Oh, I tried to like it. I tried to sit myself...
If It’s Not Broke (and it never is)- it’s Abundant!
Recently, I've gotten away from diving in and writing a blog post. I got sucked into my old habits of overthinking and analyzing my choice of words, so much so that my initial, beautiful message came across inauthentic– at least to me. I'm breaking down that barrier,...
Thump Away ‘Dem Feelin’s!
Here is the first ever Sunday Sessions with Sooz!! I recently got back into the swing of things on YouTube. In the past, I used to upload vlogs and offer helpful tips I used in recovery to overcome debilitating anxiety, depression and eating disorders. There were over...
A Song for My Winged Friends
So, I think I may be starting a band? Or... maybe I already have? I've started recording music and songs I write and calling myself A Serious Artist, to poke fun at the idea... However, I'm really liking the idea!! Last night a song came to me and I recorded it. It's...
I Saw Myself in a Mirror Today and Judged
I saw my past in another person today. At first I blamed them, judged them... but then I paused. I allowed myself to feel their struggle: unapologetically, unbiased. And in doing so, I saw myself in a new light. I realized I was not blaming them, judging them- I was...
Build, Heal and Connect Your Heart
It’s Always About the Process
Ya know, I record music in my spare time. I like to write my own songs, and make new arrangements of old favorites. This one here? That I'm sharing? One of the first ukulele songs I learned and still a favorite of mine. I tend to nerd it up, play ridiculously for my...
Frozen Fishy Memories
So this one day I went out to my car near my apartment building and saw this. And so, upon seeing this, I captured this. So here's this. If I were give this photo series a message, it would be "Don't put your dreams on Ice." or "CAPTURE the moment– even if it's...
Let Loose, Get Kickin’ !
I always think of that one scene in Garden State, where Natalie Portman's character says: You know, back in High School I was a clown. I was in theatre, I was big (in spirit) and loud! I laughed, I danced, and I made weird noises... a lot like Natalie Portman in this...
Marvel the Unknown
When I was 15, I snuck out of the house with my older sister one night to enjoy a full moon. I believe it was Summer, and I had never done that before. We were both good girls, obeyed our parents, didn't do drugs, drink, and other shenangins. I didn't even swear! But...